Sunday 27 May 2012

Hello there! As the cherry on top of the cake, may I present to you all our very own video, brought to you by the creators of this blog. We decided to do our own take on Ellen's Dance Dare video that we previously posted! What an fun (and at times, embarrassing) experience! We hope you all like it and enjoy it! To anyone out there who feels like dancing, get filming, it's great! :)

Saturday 26 May 2012


This guy has to be one of the most talented voice artists I have ever seen. A young guy from England, normal enough suddenly transforms himself VERY accurately into 24 different people by their accents! Absolutely amazing and definitely worth the full watching the full 8 minutes!

Friday 25 May 2012

Mother's Reaction to Belly Button Piercing

Hey y'all! Here's a video of mine that recently hit 10k views! I thought I'd celebrate by sharing it with you all! I recorded this after I came back from Paris for two months. I told my mum was going to get my belly button pierced over there cause she couldn't stop me!! I actually had no intention of doing it though! On my last day in Paris, I thought 'It's now or never!', so I went through with it! Here's my mum's reaction from a camera that I hid! Enjoy!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Dog Biting His Own Leg

And while we're on the topic of dogs... Here's another SOY that is sure to make you giggle!  This poor dog is enjoying it's bone when he is SO RUDELY interrupted and threatened by.... his own leg. Watch as hilarity ensues!

Bizkit the Sleep Walking Dog

So we all have those dreams that seem just a bit too realistic sometimes. You may even sleep walk, or sleep talk because of them! (Apparently I have a tendency to 'sleep laugh'... creepy, I know) If this video is anything to go by, animals seem to have dreams as well! Here is Bizkit the Sleep Walking (running) Dog. I wonder what he was chasing in his dream? A cat? The mailman perhaps? In any case, it ends in tears (of laughter or pain, depending on who's point of view it is!)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

John Williams Is The Man

Whilst Canadian, Corey Vidal (known as Apprentice A) on YouTube covers a vast array of different types of videos, his most successful and popular video to date is a lip synch of a song by a comedy a capella group called Moosebutter from Salt Lake City, Utah. As of late April the video currently stands at over 16 500 000 views.

To give you an idea of just how popular this video is, when the video was first uploaded, along with appearing on YouTube, it was featured on the homepage of and was featured by MSN Videos and As a result of this, on 7th December, 2008 the video was nominated for "Favourite User Generated Video" of 2008 at the 35th Annual People's Choice Awards on CBS facing competition in its category from viral videos, Barack Roll, Fred Goes Swimming, Where The Hell is Matt? (2008), and Wassup (2008). In a very short amount of time, the video has also a gathered a number of various accolades include Canada's #1 Top Rated (All Time) and #1 Top Favourited (All Time) Entertainment video as well as in YouTube's Top 100 Rated videos of All Time.

The video shows Corey Vidal miming the song entitled John Williams Is The Man. The screen is split into four screens with Vidal wearing a different shirt in each one. Each different part is then mimed.

Corey Vidal's most popular video, John Williams Is The Man shows Corey miming, in four different parts, the words to a song by a comedy a capella group called Moosebutter from Salt Lake City, Utah. Vidal shows himself, wearing four different shows to show the different parts and mimes each part.

The song itself is based around the music of the famous movie composer, John Williams. Vidal goes through an array of songs, miming lyrics that have been written to describe events occurring in the movies of the Star Wars franchise.

The songs, and their order ar as follows:

  1. Close Encounters of a Third Kind (1977)
  2. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark  (1981)
  3. Superman (1978)
  4. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
  5. Jaws (1975)
  6. Jurassic Park (1993)
  7. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark  (1981)

Corey Vidal also has a number of other videos where mimes to other songs in a similar manner such as this video:
'Friends' by Flight Of The Conchords

For now though, in its entirety, John Williams Is The Man.

John Williams Is The Man by Moosebutter

Monday 7 May 2012

Bieber Feeverr

A proud mother innocently wanting to share videos that she had filmed of her son’s outstanding performances with family members located in different states, decided that the most appropriate way to do so was to post them on YouTube.

This was the beginning of the now well-known Justin Bieber’s career. Scooter Braun, now Justin’s manager, “accidently” came across one of Justin’s YouTube videos and was instantly impressed urging wanting to locate Justin and express his interest in offering him a record label.
Justin, 13 at the time of his discovery, flew out to Atlanta with his mother to record a demo and ‘get down to business’. Within a week of his arrival, Justin sung to singer/songwriter Usher who was lost for words at his natural talent resulting in a joint venture between the Raymond Braun Media Group and Island Records.

Justin Bieber has since attracted over 2 billion views on YouTube, gathered over 40 million Facebook fans, and it will be safe to say that his internet popularity has skyrocketed. His top album “My World” has sold over 3 million copies!!

Below is a video of Justin’s first ever youTube video!! ENJOY :) - 

The Lonely Island

The Lonely Island are a comedy troupe originally from Berkeley, California -- now based to New York City. The band is comprised of five members:

  • Akiva "Kiv" Schaffer
  • Jorma "Jorm" Taccone
  • David Andrew "Andy" Samberg

Whilst the band gained notoriety on Saturday Night Live, they gained prominence on YouTube with their music parody video, "Lazy Sunday". Following the success of "Lazy Sunday", the group continued to make videos featuring well known celebrities in each one. These videos include:

The Lonely Island have also been nominated for a Grammy for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for I'm On A Boat and won an Emmy for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics for Dick In A Box. With such accolades and two albums behind them, The Lonely Island are certainly a YouTube artist to keep an eye on. For now though, enjoy the following video:

Jack Sparrow

Ellen's Dance Dare

Everyone knows her, and everyone knows her antics as well. Known for her sense of humor and love of pranking, Ellen DeGeneres has come out with another trending activity that is taking the internet by storm: Dance Dares. The idea is to be filmed dancing behind someone. The only catch is, you can't get caught! People are doing dance dares everywhere: in the street, in the office, at their coffee shop, on stage,  anywhere! Ellen is calling on her viewers, audience and celebrity friends to do dance dares! The results are hilarious. A good one to watch is Emma Stone's dance dare when she appeared on Ellen's show just a month ago. ( Other famous celebs that have done it include Taylor Swift and Zac Efron.
We bloggers here at The Stars of YouTube encourage YOU to go out and have a crack at it! It's so much fun and hey, you might even get on Ellen for it! :)
Have fun and get dancing!

Sunday 6 May 2012


Posting videos onto YouTube in the setting of his household, in his bedroom, have absolutely gone viral.

The young 15 year old originally starting experimenting with his iMac that he received on his thirteenth birthday just ‘for fun’ as stating in the interview above!

His love for music and enthusiastic persona shines remarkably throughout all his videos that are posted creating instant internet super stardom.

An outstanding YouTube video posted in 2010 that has made his name well known all around over the world has been posted below holding to date almost 50, 000, 000!!

Enjoy! Guaranteed to make you smile =)

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Where the Hell is Matt??

This is one of those videos that make will make you believe that the world really is still a beautiful place. Matt Harding is the Matt of the wildly popular videos: 'Where The Hell is Matt?'. Matt describes what he does best on his website, saying that it's about 'dancing badly around the world'. Essentially what he does is this: he travels the world, finds picturesque locations and films himself dancing in them. He also has local people join his videos too. Mash it all together with some happy music and bingo! Amazing video created.
This is technically Matt's job, (Who else is jealous right now?!) because he now gets sponsored to make these videos around the world. Which is nice, cause I can't have to been the only one to wonder where all the money comes from for the dozens of flights around the world! Realistically, this would be a very expensive project, but probably also an amazing experience. This has definitely inspired me! I would love to do something along these lines when i backpack!
If you want to be part of his videos, there's an option on his website. ( You can sign up and when he's in your area of the world, he'll send you an email with a time and place to join in the fun! I've already signed up.... of course.

Sophia Grace and Rosie

Their signature looks include pretty pink tutus and shiny tiaras, they have the ability to rap and sing that just completely catch you off guard...they go by the names Sophia Grace and Rosie.

There is no doubt that these two youngsters have made their mark in the hall of fame. It all started just 7 months ago in September last year when a home video of the two little British girls doing a cover of ‘Superbass’ by hip-hop sensation Nicki Minaj, was uploaded on YouTube. They gained even more attention when Ellen DeGeneres invited them to perform live on her show where they had the privilege of meeting Nicki Minaj herself amongst many other celebrities (check out videos of the two doing tea with Taylor Swift and George Clooney!).

They have not only appeared on The Ellen Show several times, but they now occasionally have their own segments on the show and have been sent off just recently to The Grammy Awards this year to meet and interview Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Maroon5 – all recording artists that the cute two-some aspire to be like (after they're done with school of course). 


Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Gregory Brothers

Formed in 2007, The Gregory Brothers are a musical group originally from Radford, Virgina who moved to Brooklyn, New York in the mid-2000's. The band characterise their music as "Country & Soul, Folk & Roll". Their members include brothers Michael Gregory (drums and vocals), Andrew Rose Gregory (guitars and vocals), Evan Gregory (keys and vocals) and Evan's wife, Sarah Fullen Gregory (bass and vocals).

They started out with a series on YouTube called 'Auto Tune The News' where they would use autotuning technology on a particular news article of the week, often with someone in politics giving a speech and having news anchors from around the country quoting something in particular from the story. Eventually this turned into what they now call Songify This. With millions of views on a number of their videos, they have released some of the songs as singles on iTunes.

For now though, in order of popularity (based on views), here is a selection of hit videos from The Gregory Brothers. Enjoy!

Winning - A Song By Charlie Sheen

Double Rainbow

Monday 30 April 2012

Leave Britney Alone

If you haven’t seen this video before, you haven’t seen Britney Spear’s most die-hard loyal fan existing on YouTube! Chris Crocker defends his beloved idol after Britney’s cringe-worthy comeback performance at the VMAs back in 2007. This over-dramatic video today has over 43 million views and has gained international media attention with hundreds of parodies uploaded on YouTube.

Crocker has become an internet celebrity ever since and ‘Leave Britney Alone’ has become so popular as a phrase that it was listed on - ‘An exclamation made when your friends or family are teasing you to a point where you can't handle it anymore and a hissy fit is in order’.

Now leave Britney alone! I mean it!!

Sunday 29 April 2012

Charlie Bit Me!

What's better than brotherly love? That's right. Young brotherly love.

Since May 2007 a 56 second YouTube video has gone viral holding just under 450 million views to date. The adorable pair of young English brothers are well known for their in-home play behaviour. The two are seen as Harry offers his finger to Charlie and - as expected, is bitten by Charlie, after repeated yelling "Ouch Charlie", Harry then giggles as his younger brother continues unfazed by his brother's discomfort.

Their YouTube popularity has seen dozens of parodies of the original video appear throughout YouTube and other online video hosting sites.

As a result of their fame, T-shirts and limited edition calendars have been made and are available to the public - so go out and get some!

Movies in 5 seconds

Doug Walker, better known as YouTube user, That Guy With The Glasses, started off summarizing movies in approximately five seconds by using clips from the movies and sometimes overdubbing them and summarizing a movie and its sequels. Within months, numbers of users were posting their versions of "5 second movies" accrediting him at the end with a line saying "Inspired by That Guy With The Glasses".

Dating back to April 7, 2008 when videos were first posted, That Guy With The Glasses now has his own website with both his videos that he and ones inspired by him. A detailed list can be found on his website here:

One example of his work is Titanic in 5 seconds. Summarizing what was a three hour movie into all of five seconds.

However, as I mentioned previously, sometimes they are overdubbed or summarizing the movie and its sequels. The following two videos are examples of that.
Harry Potter (All of em) in 5 seconds

The Godfather in 5 seconds

However, at times the movies get to the point of absolute ridiculousness such as this one:
Scarface in 5 Seconds

Finally, a plethora of 5 second movies by other users that have been inspired can also be found on YouTube.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Charlie McDonnell

Funny. Likeable. Cheeky. Witty. Dr Who fan. What's not to love? And love him we do. I give you... Charlie McDonnell, the 20 year old English vlogger/musician. With more than 150 videos and almost 1.5 million subscribers, it's safe to say that Charlie has definitely made a name for himself. His videos last for roughly 4 minutes, depending on the topic. Charlie does mini series' occasionally, such as the 'Fun Science' collection, or the 'Challenge Charlie' where he takes challenge suggestions from his viewers. 
This video 'Duet With Myself' is one of his better known ones. It has racked up more than 7 million views since it was posted last year. Enjoy! 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Walk Off The Earth

Formed in 2006, Walk Off The Earth are an indie band known for uploading both covers of popular songs at the request of fans and their own original music. They have also covered songs by The Gregory Brothers which I will do a post on later. The band consists of: Gianni, Sarah, Marshall, Joel and Taylor (better known to fans as Beard Guy).

A large number of their videos show the band doing an array of different things with music. From swapping between instruments or having a number of the band members even playing the same instrument to the use of sampling sounds for tracks live and using it throughout the song. And with the use of some editing, sometimes they harmonise with themselves.

In a number of their videos, not all of the band members appear. Sometimes it is only Gianni and Sarah who have their own channel ( At other times the band don't appear at all and instead Gianni's nephew, Myles appears instead.

The band's big breakthrough came on the 23rd January 2012 when they performed on the Ellen DeGeneres show performing Gotye's "Somebody That I Used To Know" with all five members on one guitar. This has since been parodied by another band called The Key of Awesome (

All of their videos can be found on their YouTube channel including the ones by Gianni and Sarah.

For now though, in true Walk Off The Earth style, I'll sign off by saying...

Peace in!

Check out some of their videos below